
Group Insurance 2025
This group is for those who are part of the group insurance.  ***************************Expiry date 3rd February 2026Insurance information and application form - +++++++++++++++++ HOW TO PAY for 2025- Please await details ...
18 members
South West Wartime Vehicles
A page for those with vehicles that might have been seen in the 1940s.   It is always hard getting these vehicles together to add to re-enactor displays.  A lot of vehicle owners seem content lining up at the same old rallies. FACEBOOK
7 members
Weapon Safety Guys
Those members who can oversee the safety of weapon demonstrations and the like on behalf of members.
5 members
1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
The 1st SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (abbreviated as 1. SS-Pz.Div. LSSAH) began as Adolf Hitler's personal bodyguard, responsible for guarding the Führer's person, offices, and residences. 1st SS PANZER TWITTER
5 members
DCLI In 1777 the Light Company of the 46th took part in an attack on a rebel force near Paoli. After a long and stealthy approach march through forest, the Company attacked with the bayonet, killing or capturing over 400 rebels. The Americans , viewing this as an example of British brutality...
4 members
A small group of people with a passion about all aspects of the history of this important Wartime RAF Fighter Station.Once described as 'that tiny little airfield in the South West, where nothing much ever happened!'How wrong they were! Contact: Stephen Fryer - scfryer@rafharrowbeer....
4 members
The D-Day Dodgers
Living history group based in Cornwall who portray the 2nd Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in the Italian theatre of war from 1943-1944.
4 members
Heartland Express USAAF LHG
Group not operating  Facebook Set in Mid 43' we are a small group made up of dedicated members with the aim of keeping alive the memory of the United States Army Air Force that served in England during WW2.  Our members portray the Bomber crew & ground crew. We are always looking...
3 members
Red Army Snipers
Snipers of the Red Army played an important role mainly on the Eastern Front of World War II, apart from other preceding and subsequent conflicts. In World War II, Soviet snipers used the 7.62×54mmR rifle cartridge with light, heavy, armour-piercing (B-30), armour-piercing-incendiary (B-32), zeroing...
3 members
Home Front to Battle Front Living History Group
WEBSITE FACEBOOK Old Re-enactors from the Southwest but have a new group. We re-enact Homefront (WVS, ARP, Land Army) and Battlefront (ATS, 14th Army, 8th Army in the areas of Northwest Europe, India, Burma, Far East, North Africa and Italy) Looking forward to seeing everyone around the shows ...
3 members
29th Infantry Division Historical Association
A U.K. based group (Weston Super Mare) created to remember the immense efforts and huge sacrifices made by the U.S. 29th Infantry Division. Efforts and sacrifices that were made during the dark days of WW2 so that we in Europe may lead a free and peaceful life today. The association will consist of...
2 members
P Commando RN Re-enactment Group
P (Peter) Commando Royal Navy reenactment group portray the men of the Royal Navy Commandos in the Second World War. Known as the forgotten Commandos First in last out. Facebook group Contacts - Gareth or Thomas
2 members
3e régiment de chasseurs parachutistes
The 3 th Parachute Regiment hunters , or 3 e RCP is a French unit of the Second World War known in the British army, as the 3 rd SAS Regiment .Involved in the liberation operations of France and Holland Party 418 landed near St Mayeux,2232...
2 members
Pathfinders of the 505th
FACEBOOK Luke is a founding member - LINK
2 members
304th Panzer Grenadiers
WEBSITE FACEBOOK Pz Gren 304th living history group was formed in 2013 and quickly became part of the oldest WW2 re-enactment society in the country, the WW2 Living history Association. From its start our group have striven for a strong command structure and true authenticity in everything th...
2 members
Firstwave 44 Living History Group
FW44 is the umbrella name for it's 2 sub groups Co.'B' U.S. 146th Engineer Combat Battalion & the American Red Cross  'Donut Dollies' who do fantastic American home cooking to keep the G.I's  morale up being so far away from home.   we are based ...
2 members
This is a new agricultural section for WWIIRESW. Whilst War was being fought across the World there was a severe disruption of food production. It took an agricultural revolution to produce this food. It is hoped that we can have a good agricultural section to enhance WWIIRESW displays.
2 members
4th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry
Facebook link We are a friendly group which having been going for 4 years now. There is 9 of us and growing every year. We go all around the UK and if you ever wanted to join us more the merrier.We also have WLA, Nurses and the Australian Somerset light infantry in our group.
2 members
Devon Homefront and Military Association
We are a new group. Being primarily based in Plymouth however we attend events in Devon and Cornwall. We portray all aspects of the homefront. 
2 members
Dunkeswell Airfield Heritage Centre
New museum at Dunkeswell Airfield for SWAHT PHOTO ALBUM
1 members

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