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webmaste Admin
I thought I'd just share some thoughts on Christmas.

The 1st day of Christmas is 25th of December and the 12th day of Christmas is 5th of January.


When do we say "Merry Christmas" - A normal protocol is that this is for Christmas Day, so if you will see someone then, wait until the day.  If not, then the last time before Christmas.  A card is sent for Christmas Day, so no problems there.

Merry or Happy Christmas? - In England you can use either.  Merry is more of a "party on" state, whereas Happy is plain "be happy", but used for every other occasions too.

When is Advent? - Normally starting on the 1st December ( if you have an Advent calendar).  In the Church calendar there are 4 Sundays before Christmas, so if Christmas Day is on a Sunday, then, as this year, the First Sunday of Advent is on 27th November!

I hope this has been useful.  Back in the 40's things would have been very traditional.

webmaste Nov 29 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1 · Tags: christmas, protocol, traditional