Levant Mine - The Trench - 1-10 July 2016 | Forum

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webmaste Admin
webmaste Jun 19 '16

From Marina of the National Trust - This is about WWI, but might interest to some of you.

WEBSITE - http://www.cornish-mining.org.uk/news/trench-levant-mine

Last week I went to a briefing day about ‘The Trench’ WW1 re-enactment play that’s happening at Levant next month and it’s occurred to me it could be something that your re-enactment folks might be interested in going along to.


I think it’s going to be a very moving experience as those who go along won’t simply be spectators, but given WW1 costumes and actually taking on the persona of a real person from the area who went to war. At the end of the re-enactment you get to find out whether your character lived or died.

Location - https://goo.gl/maps/NpVqYpyvXF32

Below is a video showing the trench that’s been dug into the Levant landscape where the re-enactment will take place.  If you’d like to buy tickets (be warned, you need to be fairly able-bodied to take part because of the terrain) they can be purchased online at: www.crbo.co.uk or telephone 01726 879500.


YouTube video - https://youtu.be/oPt9pFgTvLU
The Forum post is edited by webmaste Jun 19 '16
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