webmaste Admin
webmaste Feb 9 '16

1. I was not a fan of closing a WWIIRESW Forum and replacing it with a Facebook Group (FBG). As time goes by, the reasons that we need a forum make themselves clearer, I think. The reasons that a forum was not used to replace Social Go 2(SG2) were: 

a. The lack of focus. 

b. It is a modern way of doing things. 

c. SG2 was costing £20/month 

d. Few people used the forum 


2. The problems I see with a FBG, bearing in mind that we already have a Facebook Organisation (FBO) for WWIIRESW. 

i. The FBG sounds very much like the WWIIRESW Organisation page (FBO). I think that this causes confusion. On the website I have put an FB link that goes to the FBO and a "Forum" link that goes to the FBG, since this is meant to be a direct swap from a forum. 

ii. Some people do not use FB for whatever reason and have no connection now with WWIIRESW. One of these was a Founder of WWIIRESW. 

iii. Every man and his dog have an FBG! One problem we had as a WWIIRESW forum was that groups would split-off, form an FBG and never be heard from again. More than one fading out due to boredom. With a forum, that group could still have a page, but if WWIIRESW is ONLY an FBG then nothing remains. 

iv. The discussion in an FBG is only a stream. This means that it disappears off the bottom of the page and is never seen again (OK, there is a search facility). A forum allows topic discussions, which remain. For example, I recently did some work on Kerosene lamps and thought it might be useful to share information with others, but it seemed pointless putting it onto the FBO or FBG as it would vanish. 

v. EVENTS - 

1. The only events that FB will recognise are FB created events. For example, War and Peace (W&P) create an event and they can share this to the World. This event can be added to the list of events on the WWIIRESW FBO, it CANNOT be added to the FBG. The only way that this can be listed in the FBG is to create a 2nd FB event called W&P. Any search now would reveal 2 W&P events. 

2. Unless you creat an FB event, it cannot be listed on an FBG. As the Webmaster I have found this totally confusing, because the only way to show the FBG ALL of the events which WWIIRESW is interested in, is to refer them to the website calendar - ;

3. So on FB you find an event that you are interested in an tick to go. If you tick the W&P event, no-one on WWIIRESW knows that you are going. If we create a W&P event, within the FBG then W&P won't know you are going, unless you tick both events. The classic was David Bunney creating multiple FB events for the same event HIMSELF! At one time he had at least 3 events for the annual Upottery event PLUS a number of FBGs for the Nissen Hut. 

4. On a forum, you can create an event and it will be listed. These do not show up as duplicated FB events. Those on the forum know who else is going and any discussion about W&P is separated from the FB W&P event. An internet search might find this forum event, but it is clearly NOT a W&P event. 


3. I was surprised that the WWIIRESW Admins chose NOT to replace the forum with a forum. Getting another will either cost or need work. As the Webmaster I have always assumed that we will need a forum and created one on the WWIIRESW Website Server. I settled on Oxwall, which was chosen from about 12 choices. The reasons for that choice were many, like size of the installation, what it looked like, the ease of administering it, technical back-up. I have kept it updated since October 13 when it was first investigated and you can find it here: ;

4. If you want a forum, then you need to speak up! Do I want one...yes please, though as Webmaster it will be a PITA for me as I will be responsible for repairs and re-loads, instead of paying someone £20/month to do it for me!

The Forum post is edited by webmaste Feb 10 '16
Shvakova Admin
Shvakova Feb 9 '16
I do think we need a forum separate to the FB group. I for one do not and will not have an FB account, I'm sure I'm not alone. With a forum and FB then it allows all members of WW2RESW to have their say, post photo's, list events and discuss their hobby with like minded people. A forum has advantages over FB as pointed out by our Webmaster whose views I agree with. An events list is of prime importance and to have this avaliable on a forum where it will stay visible is vital to enable members to have an up to date view on what is avaliable to attend.
FB members can use both,(or not as they wish), however non FB users now still  have somewhere to go too.
Keep up the good work Webmaster!